Biological Defects and Special Education — an Issue in Personnel Preparation


Reed Homer B. C.1


1. Tufts University School of Medicine, New England Medical Center Hospital


This article examines the relationship between biological defects and educational aptitude and achievement. The author maintains that the intellectual consequences of biological impairment take 2 general forms in young children: (a) a pervasive effect resulting in a general diminishment of intellectual ability and (b) a selective impairment affecting discrete abilities or functions without a noticeable lowering of intellectual status. Highlights from research on malnutrition, neural tube defects, and pre-maturity are cited in relation to instances of general impairment, while selected case studies are used to illustrate instances of selective impairment. A methodology for the assessment of biologically based learning problems drawn from neuropsychology is presented. Dr. Reed argues for the significance of biological factors for educational practice. Knowledge of the biological antecedents of behavioral and/or educational problems is potentially useful for formulation of long-range educational goals, the evaluation of educational gains, and to a lesser extent, the selection of teaching methodologies. Awareness of the importance of the biological factors for special education will hoefully be the impetus for changes in teacher-training programs, which now generally neglect this area of research and inquiry in the training of future special educators.


SAGE Publications



Reference28 articles.

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Cited by 6 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

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3. Educational services for the mentally retarded in developing countries;International Journal of Educational Development;1984-01

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5. Special Education and Medicine;Journal of Learning Disabilities;1983-02







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