Although internationally there is a growing interest in strategic human resource management (SHRM) in the educational context, few studies explored SHRM in schools. This qualitative study explores if five common human resource management (HRM) practices (i.e. recruitment and selection, assignment, evaluation, rewards, and development) are aligned with schools’ strategic planning and individual teacher needs. The analysis is based on 194 semi-structured interviews with school leaders and school team members in 24 schools in Flanders (Belgium). After a within-case analysis, a classification was made for each school for each HRM practice under investigation based on a classification scheme indicating the strategic focus per HRM practice. The cross-case analysis shows that for some HRM practices the alignment with school’s strategic planning and individual teacher needs is identified in more schools (e.g. for ‘professional development’) than for other practices (e.g. for ‘rewards’). The findings of this study contribute to our understanding of SHRM within the education sector and provide schools with tools to invest in SHRM.
Steunpunt Onderwijsonderzoek
Strategy and Management,Education
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7 articles.