1. NANCY L. GEORGE, EdD, is a behavior consultant with Lane Education Service District. Her current educational interest is in developing effective behavioral supports for students with emotional and behavioral disorders in general education classrooms. Address: Nancy L. George, Lane Education Service District, 1200 Highway 99N, PO Box 2680, Eugene, OR 97402-0374
2. MICHAEL P. GEORGE, EdD, is a program supervisor with Lane Education Service District. His current interests include designing and evaluating programs for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities.
3. RUSSELL GERSTEN, PhD, is a professor of special education at the University of Oregon and a senior researcher at the Eugene Research Institute, where he currently co-directs a research project on special education teacher attritiodretention. He has conducted extensive research on instructional design, professional development, and the process of change.
4. JUDITH K. GROSENICK, PhD, is a professor of education, Division of Learning and Instructional Leadership, University of Oregon. She teaches in the area of children and families at risk. Her current research focuses on effective intervention for substance-abusing pregnant and postpartum women and their children.