Hydrolyzable Tannins from Sweet Chestnut Fractions Obtained by a Sustainable and Eco-friendly Industrial Process


Campo Margherita12,Pinelli Patrizia2,Romani Annalisa2


1. Consortium I.N.S.T.M., Via G. Giusti 9, I-50121 Florence, Italy

2. PHYTOLAB (Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food supplement Technology and Analysis) - DiSIA, Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti”, University of Florence, Via U. Schiff, 6 – 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy.


Sweet Chestnut ( Castanea sativa Mill.) wood extracts, rich in Hydrolyzable Tannins (HTs), are traditionally used in the tanning and textile industries, but recent studies suggest additional uses. The aim of this work is the HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS characterization of Sweet Chestnut aqueous extracts and fractions obtained through a membrane separation technology system without using other solvents, and the evaluation of their antioxidant and antiradical activities. Total tannins range between 2.7 and 138.4 mM; gallic acid ranges between 6% and 100%; castalagin and vescalagin range between 0% and 40%. Gallic Acid Equivalents, measured with the Folin-Ciocalteu test, range between 0.067 and 56.99g/100g extract weight; ORAC test results for the marketed fractions are 450.4 and 3050 μmol/g Trolox Equivalents/extract weight. EC50 values, measured with the DPPH test, range between 0.444 and 2.399 μM. These results suggest a new ecofriendly and economically sustainable method for obtaining chestnut fractions with differentiated, stable and reproducible chemical compositions. Such fractions can be marketed for innovative uses in several sectors.


SAGE Publications


Complementary and alternative medicine,Plant Science,Drug Discovery,Pharmacology,General Medicine








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