Attenuation of free-surface multiples by up/down deconvolution for marine towed-streamer data


Majdański Mariusz1234,Kostov Clément1234,Kragh Ed1234,Moore Ian1234,Thompson Mark1234,Mispel Joachim1234


1. Schlumberger Cambridge Research, Geophysics Department, Cambridge, U.K..

2. Schlumberger Moscow Research, Borehole Seismics & Acoustics Department, Moscow, Russian Federation..

3. WesternGeco, Perth, Australia..

4. Statoil ASA, Trondheim, Norway..


Free-surface-related multiples in marine seismic data are commonly attenuated using adaptive subtraction of the predicted multiple energy. An alternative method, based on deconvolution of the upgoing wavefield by the downgoing wavefield, was previously applied to ocean-bottom data. We apply the deconvolution method to towed-streamer data acquired in an over/under configuration. We also use direct arrival deconvolution that results in source wavelet designature only, as a benchmark to verify the full multiple deconvolution result. Detailed synthetic data analysis, including sensitivity tests, explains each data processing step and its effects on the final result. We then apply this verified preprocessing sequence to field data from the Kristin area of the North Sea, with a focus on the direct arrival prediction using the near-field hydrophone method. Prestack evaluation of the results shows that the method applied to the field data provides designature, source-side deghosting, and attenuation of multiples. We show comparable stacked results from our method and from 2D iterative surface-related multiple elimination. The workflow has the benefit that it does not require an adaptive subtraction step or iterative application. However, an accurate direct arrival prediction is essential for the successful application of the method. This prediction is obtained using near-field hydrophone measurements that can be recorded with some commercial acquisition systems.


Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics







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