A System for the Remote Monitoring of Vehicle Technical Condition: Kirovets Tractor Gearbox Case Study


Kostomakhin M. N.1,Petrishchev N. A.1,Sayapin A. S.1


1. Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM


Abstract. The authors noted that in order to increase the energy-saturated equipment technical readiness, reduce its operation costs and ensure full use of the resource, it is necessary to quickly assess the current technical condition. The authors have created a counter-indicator prototype for high-precision control of gearbox technical condition. (Research purpose) To formulate a proposal for developing a system for the remote monitoring of gearbox technical condition applicable to the Kirovets tractor family. (Materials and methods) To increase the precision level of traceability and technical condition detection, a system of diagnostic tools was proposed based on the developed counters-indicators, which take into account design features when determining diagnostic parameters. (Results and discussion) It was shown that to assess the gearbox technical condition, it is necessary to use additional monitoring systems, obtain information for calculating the residual life, when using direct measurements and having a possibility of the ongoing monitoring over the actual change in the gearbox units diagnostic parameters. The authors studied the options for using meter-indicators to minimize group II and III failures during operation.(Conclusions) It was identified that in order to increase the level of gearbox operational reliability, it is necessary to introduce a system of counters-indicators. The authors revealed the possibility of monitoring the individual unit technical condition in accordance with the specified indicators, as well as in order to prevent operation in emergency (abnormal) modes.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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