Improving the human-machine-environment monitoring system and operation rules for increasing operational tractor reliability


Petrishchev Nikolay A.1,Kostomakhin Mikhail N.1,Sayapin Aleksandr S.1,Ivleva Irina B.1


1. Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM, Moscow, Russian Federation


During fieldwork, machines and technical personnel work almost to the limit of their capabilities, while there is an urgent need for comprehensive monitoring of the interaction of the "Human-machine-environment" system and the operating rules for improving the operational reliability of tractors. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in developing a prototype of an electronic digital system that will help the operator to control changes in operational factors for improving the reliability of the entrusted equipment. (Materials and methods) The article presents conducted research on the use of the Galileo Sky+ terminal, which works together with additional programmable contactless sensors. This made it possible improving the system for increasing operational reliability. (Results and discussion) The article present examples and describes the accounting process for the human factor in the Human-machine-environment system. Authors have found that using the monitoring helps the operator and owner in reducing the share of subjective assessments in the efficiency of tractor operation and the readiness to work. (Conclusion) Using the proposed solutions for improving monitoring of the "Human-machine-environment" system will minimize the negative impact and risks of failures caused by the human factor in the operation of equipment. According to preliminary expert estimates, the efficiency of using the system will reduce operating costs and prevent gross errors in the operation of tractors.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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