1. Deutsches SOFIA Institut, University of Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
2. Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
3. Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, 85748 Garching, Germany
4. Remote Sensing Technology Institute, DLR (German Aerospace Center), 82234 Wessling, Germany
5. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
6. SOFIA-USRA, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA94035, USA
7. Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA
8. ESTEC, European Space Agency, 69117, Nordwijk, 2201 AZ, The Netherlands
9. OSRAM GmbH, Industriestraße 20B, 85072 Eichstätt, Germany
10. UC Observatories, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, USA
11. OHB System AG, 822234 Wessling, Germany