In the last two decades, oil and gas operators and service companies are moving towards a more proactive rather than reactive mode in the drilling process optimization following the use of remote operating centers (ROCs) for rapid problem identification, assessment and mitigation. The methodologies adopted may be different across companies or regions but the underlying objective for most is to drill wells efficiently in a cost-effective manner. In spite of the rapid and continuous development of real time monitoring protocols, there are still gaps in the use of these aggregated data and information obtained from ROCs to achieve fully integrated drilling process modeling and optimization in real time. The paper highlights the importance of a full-integrated approach to using real time drilling engineering and optimization methodology in order to gain valuable insights that allow operational teams to execute wells with minimal non-productive
Developing a functional real time drilling engineering methodology requires several years of failing fast and evolving towards a more improved performance organization where preemptive actions can be taken before problems occur. The methodology begins with performing full-integrated geomechanics study to understand the underlying geological uncertainties, stresses and faulting regimes within the area. The results from the geomechanical study form the basis for the detailed design of the casing, mud, cement, drillstring as well as the interaction of all these artifacts in order to develop operating parameters for well execution. Detailed drilling engineering road maps along with its associate risk matrices are developed to determine the operating ranges and bases of monitoring. During real time execution, these models including the 1-D geomechanical model, BHA design & modeling, casing design, fluids design, cementing design are updated continuously as more data become available in real time. The real time drilling engineering analysis coupled with integrated in-house and real-time center (iROC) personnel, 24/7 support provides immediate recommendations that can eliminate and avoid potential undesirable drilling events such as stuck pipes, lost circulations, and downhole tool failures.
By applying this integrated methodology in the Gulf of Mexico, a significant improvement in technical efficiency and by extension the operational efficiencies in performance through implementing same goals(s) focus, objectives aligned with collaborative planning, integrated 24/7 real-time operations support and solutions, execution and delivering correct and detailed communication protocols with united focal points across multiple stake holders. This resulted in completed well construction phase eight days ahead of schedule, with zero safety incidents.
This study validates the value of integrated services approach with focal point leadership using the right communication protocols with 24/7 monitoring and proactive support, improves the efficiency of the well construction process and ultimately lowers the cost and/or increases the production output of the project.