Applying a Real-Time Engineering Methodology To Drill Ahead of Potential Undesirable Events


Perez Tellez Carlos1,Rodriguez Rosas Reginaldo1,Ramirez Ignacio1,Bermudez Martinez Rafael Angel2,Palavicini Cham Carlos Alberto2


1. Pemex

2. Petrolink Services Inc


Abstract Current methodologies for drill planning, widely implemented by Oil Companiesto optimize the definition of technical and economic options for the drillingprocess, are based on a scrupulous analysis of the production requirements, thetechnical risks, and the geological uncertainties. Planning and designingdrilling projects begin by considering the problems observed in correlationwells drilled in the same field, in order to obtain a successful mechanicalmodel. Once the drilling process begins, an evaluation of the continuing operationsallows drilling engineers to control and adjust the differences that may arisebetween the drilling plan and the actual conditions observed while drilling. These identified variations are related to uncertainties in the criticaloperational parameters, such as pore pressure and fracture pressure gradients, salt intrusions, and changes in the planned lithology column, such as, shaledomes, and gas shows. Dealing with these variations is imperative, as they candetermine either the success or the failure of the well. This Paper proposes a Real-Time Drilling Engineering Methodology that allowsoperations staff to drill ahead in depth and time by anticipating geological, mechanical and operational conditions, thus allowing preemptive actions. ThisMethodology allows forecasting the adequate drilling parameters by visualizingthe current conditions of the well. These include the analysis of theinteraction between the drill string and the fluid with the formation, thenormalization of mud densities in the areas of interest, and the analysis ofgeopressures from logging-while-drilling data. Other parameters that need to beconsidered might include the variation of casing and hydraulics designs, andthe optimization of the well path from Real-Time Trajectory and Log Data. This Real-Time analysis leads to immediate engineering recommendations that caneliminate and avoid ongoing and potentially undesirable situations whiledrilling, such as stuck pipes, gasifications, and runoffs, thereby allowing apreemptive response to the variations that may occur between the proposeddrilling plan and the actual drilling conditions. By applying this Methodologyin several oilfields in Southern Mexico, an observed 20% increase of thetechnical efficiency of the drilling process has been reported, resulting inover 80% of the wells operating under normal conditions, with a reduction inthe average cost of the well for the operator.



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