The redshift and the host galaxy of the neutrino candidate 4FGL J0955.1+3551 (3HSP J095507.9+355101)


Paiano Simona12ORCID,Falomo Renato3ORCID,Padovani Paolo45ORCID,Giommi Paolo678ORCID,Gargiulo Adriana2,Uslenghi Michela2,Rossi Andrea9ORCID,Treves Aldo1011


1. INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33, I-00040 Monteporzio Catone, Italy

2. INAF – IASF Milano, via Corti 12, I-20133 Milano, Italy

3. INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, I-35122 Padova, Italy

4. European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany

5. Associated to INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33, I-00040 Monteporzio Catone, Italy

6. Institute for Advanced Study, Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstrasse 2a, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany

7. Associated to Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) via del Politecnico s.n.c., I-00133 Roma, Italy

8. ICRANet, Piazzale della Repubblica 10, I-65122 Pescara, Italy

9. INAF – Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio, via Piero Gobetti 93/3, I-40129 Bologna, Italy

10. Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia, Universita’ dell’Insubria, via Valeggio, I-22100 Como, Italy

11. INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Bianchi 46, I-23807 Merate (Lecco), Italy


ABSTRACT The BL Lac object 4FGL J0955.1+3551 has been suggested as a possible source of ultra-energetic neutrinos detected by the IceCube observatory. The target was observed in 2020 January at the Large Binocular Telescope. Our spectroscopy (4100–8500 Å) yields a firm redshift z = 0.557 as deduced by the absorption lines of the host galaxy. The upper limit of the minimum equivalent width on emission lines is ∼0.3 Å. From the source image, we are able to resolve the host galaxy for which we measure an absolute magnitude M(R) = −22.9 and Re = 8 kpc, which are values which are typical of the host galaxies of BL Lacs.


Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

University of Arizona

Max Planck Society

Ohio State University

University of Notre Dame

University of Minnesota

University of Virginia


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics







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