Relatedness modulates reproductive competition among queens in ant societies with multiple queens


Helanterä Heikki123ORCID,Ozan Martina12,Sundström Liselotte12


1. Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Programme , P.O.BOX 65, FI 00014 , Helsinki University, Finland

2. Tvärminne Zoological station , J.A. Palménintie 260, FI 10900 Hanko , Finland

3. Faculty of Science, Ecology and Genetics Research Unit , FI 90014, University of Oulu , Finland


AbstractReproductive sharing in animal groups with multiple breeders, insects and vertebrates alike, contains elements of both conflict and cooperation, and depends on both relatedness between co-breeders, as well as their internal and external conditions. We studied how queens of the ant Formica fusca adjust their reproductive efforts in response to experimental manipulations of the kin competition regime in their nest. Queens respond to the presence of competitors by increasing their egg laying efforts, but only if the competitors are highly fecund and distantly related. Such a mechanism is likely to decrease harmful competition among close relatives. We demonstrate that queens of Formica fusca fine-tune their cooperative breeding behaviors in response to kinship and fecundity of others in a remarkably precise and flexible manner.


Academy of Finland


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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