Tüfekci Hacer,Olfaz Mustafa
Abstract. In this study, meat quality traits and fatty acid compositions of Hair Goat and Saanen × Hair Goat (G1) crossbred kids fattened
under intensive, semi-intensive and extensive conditions were determined. For meat quality traits, differences in pH24 h,
pH45 min, drip loss, water holding capacity, cooking loss and Warner–Bratzler peak shear force values of the experimental groups were
not found to be significant. According to colour measurements at the 0th and 45th minute, the extensive fattening group of Hair Goat kids had greater
lightness (L∗) values and the intensive fattening group of Hair Goat kids had greater redness (a∗) values. For intensive, semi-intensive
and extensive fattening groups of Hair Goat kids, total saturated fatty acid contents of longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle samples were
respectively measured as 19.28 %, 23.75 % and 23.35 %. Total monounsaturated fatty acid contents were respectively measured as 67.30 %,
66.22 % and 65.72 %. Total polyunsaturated fatty acid contents were respectively measured as 5.46 %, 3.06 % and 3.16 % and conjugate
linoleic acid contents were respectively measured as 0.48 %, 0.55 % and 0.65 %. For intensive, semi-intensive and extensive fattening
groups of Saanen × Hair Goat (G1) kids, total saturated fatty acid contents of LD muscle samples
were respectively measured as 21.01 %; 21.98 %, 19.10 %; total monounsaturated fatty acid contents were respectively measured as
64.04 %, 64.33 %, 52.44 %. Total polyunsaturated fatty acid contents were respectively measured as 3.53 %, 4.89 % and 4.84 %
and conjugate linoleic acid contents were respectively measured as 0.52 %, 0.58 % and 0.73 %. It was concluded that the extensive fattening
group had greater conjugated linoleic acid contents than the other fattening groups.
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2 articles.