This study was conducted to investigate the effects of roughage and/or fattening feed rations and CLA-rich fish oil and soybean-supplemented diets on meat quality parameters (pH, color and fatty acids) of crossbred Romanov lambs. As compared to the control group, soybean and fish oil-supplemented groups had almost 3 times greater feed conversion ratios. The amount of feed consumed for 1 kg of live weight during the fattening period was 4.77 kg in the soybean oil-supplemented group, 5.70 kg in the fish oil-supplemented group and 13.33 kg in the control group. In terms of M. longissimus dorsi (MLD) area and thickness, treatment groups all had similar values. Soybean and fish oil-supplemented groups had superior pH and color (L*, a*, b*) values. In the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test, measuring malonaldehyde (MDA) produced due to the oxidation of fatty acids, results revealed that soybean and fish oil-supplemented groups yielded more ideal outcomes for TBARS values and fatty acid profiles.
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