Liquid-metal printed processes have been recently developed as a novel strategy to grow ultrathin 2D oxide materials, which are transferred from liquid-metal surfaces to substrates. In this study, we fabricated liquid-metal printing 2D tin oxide (SnO) nanosheets on SiO2/Si and glass substrates. A large lateral-sized 2D SnO nanosheets of >100 µm and a thickness of approximately 6.3 nm was fabricated. The 2D SnO nanosheets exhibited a strong optical absorption in the ultraviolet and violet region and its bandgap was estimated to be approximately 2.9 eV. The 2D SnO nanosheets on glass substrates with patterned gold electrodes generated a photocurrent under ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation, demonstrating a potential for optoelectronic applications such as UV detectors.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.