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2. Conghui Liang, Marco Ceccarelli and Yukio Takeda, Operation Analysis of a One-DOF Pantograph Leg Mechanisms, Proceedings of the RAAD 2008 17th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, September 15-17, 2008, Ancona, Italy.
3. O. Al. Araidah, Conceptual Design of a Single DOF Human-Like Eight Bar Leg Mechanism, Jordan Journal Of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 5, number 4, Aug. 2011, pp.285-289, ISSN 1995-6665.
4. Ottaviano,E., Lanni, C. and Ceccarelli, M. 2004. Numerical and Experimental Analysis of a Pantograph-Leg with a Fully-Rotative Actuating Mechanism, Proceeding of the 11th world Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science. August 18-21, Tianjin , China.
5. Tao Li, Marco Ceccarelli, An Experimental Characterization of a Rickshaw Prototype, LARM: Lab. of Robotics and Mechatronics, University of Cassino, Cassino, Italy.