1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
2. “Alpha Reem Consulting” LLC
The current global situation involves turbulent financial markets, new geopolitical reality, advanced digital technologies, and multimodal transport corridors. Therefore, to strategize the development of an economic branch and its interaction with foreign markets, one should proceed from new principles of technological connectivity of industries, the importance of resources in the global value chain, the qualityandprice balance, reliable market access opportunities, transport accessibility, cybersecurity, etc. Typification of a natural resource has become especially important in the new conditions. If it is renewable, the long-term goal of its capitalization is to preserve or multiply. If it is non-renewable, the main goal in the formation of national welfare is the maximal output and recultivation. This typification of resources presupposes that a raw material economy has sufficient technological, technical, financial, and political potential to process the resource at the place of its extraction and receive sufficient revenue to either preserve and multiply this resource or to provide the maximal output and reclamation. Access to labor resources and demand market determines the main goal of an economy that depends on the import of natural resources. It involves generating revenue from the production and sale of the final products and services in a place of solvent demand and the additional need to create national welfare based on the existing political, intellectual, and technological resources. Technological sovereignty requires new cooperative cross-country strategies for the interaction of industries and businesses. Technological sovereignty needs a scenario-predictive modeling of the potential of coordination mechanisms to develop mutually beneficial interaction between industries during the high turbulence on foreign markets. The article introduces methodological tools for the development of cooperative cross-country strategies between industries and business. It includes a novel interpretation of the adaptation vectors for national strategies and corporate interests in food security, based on cooperative intersectoral and cross-country development strategies. After the Second Russia-Africa Summit, the article might be useful for the authorities responsible for the technological sovereignty, development, and leadership of Russia.
Kemerovo State University
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