Russia’s Logistics Transport Systems under new Sanctions


Pokrovskaya Oksana1


1. Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University


Objective: To present an analytical review of the state and transformation of Russia logistic transport systems in the conditions of new sanctions of West countries as of March 2022, including analysis of modern conditions of their functioning. Methods: Method of analytic review of world market state, transport logistics and on its background — specificities of Russian logistic transport system development. Results: Analysis of impacting risks, factors and trends of logistic transport systems has allowed to establish development key vectors of domestic logistic transport systems in the conditions of West sanctions as well as to formulate functional specificities of Russia transport logistic system and Russia positions in the world in the near future. Practical importance: Market analytical review for transport-logistic service in the conditions of geopolitical situation change has been made. It’s been established that deglobalization has become a new reality for transport-logistic systems. Measures for a prior action plan to provide for Russian economy development in the conditions of external sanction pressure ‘re characterized. Typology of variants for reaction of market key players on “logistic storm” factors is given. Upon research total, potential oblique of logistic transport system as of March 2022 is formulated.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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