Key Problems of Crop Production in the Context of Sanctions Pressure on the Russian Federation


Levkina Nataliya1


1. Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University


Despite the fact that there are not very many direct sanctions against the agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation, sanctions imposed against other industries have a serious negative impact on it. This work is devoted to identifying the key problems of the agricultural sector on the example of crop production in the context of increasing sanctions pressure on our country. The main problems of plant growers are present at all stages of activity: from the supply of necessary resources to the stage of harvest realization and are associated with the growth of all types of costs, which leads to a decrease in the profitability of agricultural producers and a decrease in their purchasing power. The results of the study can be used for further study of anti-crisis management measures of agricultural enterprises, as well as improvement of state support measures for domestic plant growers.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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