Hospodarenko H.,Karpenko V.,Liubych V.,Novikov V.
Aim. To determine the formation of bound amino acids in grain of new wheat varieties and its biological value. Methods. Field, physical-chemical, computational, analysis. Results. The differences in amino acid composi- tion of new varieties and lines of wheat were analyzed. It was established that the highest content of essential amino acids was in the grain of the Kulundynka variety (5.18 %) or 2.5 times higher compared to the standard (2.99 %). Their content in the grain of soft wheat, obtained by the hybridization of Triticum aestivum L./Triti- cum spelta L., was 1.4–1.5 times higher compared to the control. The grain of the soft variety Kulundynka had the highest biological value as the score of essential amino acids was not defi cient and the remaining varieties were defi cient in 2–5 amino acids. Only methionine was defi cient in the grain of soft wheat lines (AAS = 64– 74 %). Conclusions. The content of amino acids in soft wheat grain depends considerably on weather condi- tions, selective-genetic
origin of the variety and the line. Glutamic acid, proline, and leucine were found to be most abundant. Out of nine samples of soft wheat tested, only the seed of the Kulundynka variety had a non- defi cient amino acid score (91–298 %), and in the Pannonikus variety methionine was limited (49 %). The best balanced content of amino acids is present in the grain of non-spelt lines, obtained by hybridization of Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum spelta L., namely Р 7 and LPP 1314. The grain of these lines has a non-defi cient amino acid score, more methionine (AAS = 64–74 %), and supplies human daily requirement in the best way. The grain has a high index of complex estimation and metabolization coeffi cient for essential amino acids.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)
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