Ensuring balanced social and labor development of Ukraine: challenges and opportunities


Novikova OlgaORCID, ,Ostafychuk YaroslavORCID,


The post-war revival of Ukraine will be determined by a set of parameters, among which an important place belongs to the social and labor sphere. A fair balance of rights and real opportunities of employers and employees should ensure the effectiveness of channels of social mobility, accumulation of human and social capital. The purpose of the article is to determine the requirements and substantiate the possibilities for ensuring labor development on the basis of balance and stability in the conditions of the post-war development of Ukraine. Social and labor development is interpreted as a process of transformation and adaptation of institutions of the social and labor sphere, its subjects, as well as social and labor relations between them and with other interested parties, as a result of which qualities adequate to the challenges of the external and internal environment are acquired. It was established that the current state policy in the field of labor in Ukraine is based on the ideology of neoliberalism, mainly reflects the interests of employers and significantly limits the rights of employees, which increases the risks of destroying established institutions of social and labor relations, and has negative social consequences. The need to orientate state policy on the principles of decent work, the concept of which should be expanded taking into account new processes and phenomena arising in the social and labor sphere under the influence of digitalization, is argued. It was emphasized that the post-war social and labor sphere should have the potential of stability, adaptation and functioning in the conditions of renewed military conflict. It was concluded that the existing models of ensuring national stability can acquire new qualities, taking into account the achievements of interdisciplinary research on the issue of resilience, which pay special attention to socio-behavioral factors of the development of socio-economic systems. Scientific approaches to the interpretation of resilience have been analyzed, and a range of problems requiring further research has been identified.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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