Станіслав Видиборець ,Дмитро Борисенко
The knowledge about mammalian iron metabolism has advanced dramatically over the past decades. Studies of genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology allowed us the identification and characterization of many of the molecules involved in regulation of iron homeostasis. Important progresses were made after the discovery in 2000 of a small peptide – hepsidin – that has been proved to play a central role in orchestration on iron metabolism also providing a link between iron metabolism and inflammation and innate immunity. Hepsidin directly interacts with ferroportin, the only known mammalian iron exporter, which is expressed by enterocytes, macrophages and hepatocytes. The direct hepsidin- ferroportin interaction allows an adaptative response from the body in situations that alter normal iron homeostasis (hypoxia, anemia, iron deficiency, iron overload, and inflammation). In clause the items of information on transport protein of iron - transferrin are stated. Its physiological role and clinical importance is shown. Dynamics of the contents of the hepsidin, transferrin, ferritin in persons with latent deficiency of iron. The conclusion about importance of the given parameter for laboratory diagnostics of iron deficiency condition is made. In the article the items of information about the ferritin - protein - depot of iron in body are given. Its physiological role and clinical importance is displayed. Dynamics of changes of the contents ferritin during treatment of the patients with iron deficiency anemia and persons with latent deficiency of iron is shown. The conclusion about the level of the ferritin in serum of blood is the important dynamic parameter for laboratory diagnostics iron deficiency of condition is made.
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6 articles.