The specificity of lifestyle of the individuals with different type of life scenario


Skleynis Viktor Aleksandrovich


This article is dedicated to examination of the specificity of assessment of the individuals with different type of life scenario. Having compared the patterns of worldview and manifestations of life scenario of the individual, the author considers the latter as a component of in-depth structures of worldview, reflected on the level of semantic structures associated with the implementation of scenario in form of the specificity of assessment of respondents. One of the manifestations of life scenario of the individual in semantic structures is the specificity of assessment of their lifestyle. Since lifestyle represents a system of activities the person is engaged in, and life scenario by definition is related with saturation of subjective time with different ways of pastime, the process of realization of life scenario depends on the specifics of the content of lifestyle as a system of activities. The empirical research is conducted on the basis of specifically developed questionnaire; the three groups of respondents with different type of life scenario were formed. The respondents were offered to assess their lifestyle using a specialized semantic differential. The obtained data was processed via the method of semantic universals. The acquired results indicate that the descriptors included in the semantic universals of the assessment of lifestyle correspond to the type of life scenario of the individual. The groups of respondents with different type of life scenario demonstrate a various degree of in-group similarity in assessments of their lifestyle. Therefore, the specificity of lifestyle assessment is one of the manifestations of life scenario of the individual.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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