1. Southern Federal University
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Objective </strong>of the research was to determine the criteria for differences in actual theoretical scenario models for the interpretation of "typical" and problematic situations that can be represented in biographical narratives.<br><strong>Background. </strong>In the “personality – group – society” system, individual and cultural life scenarios, formed and supported by families, educational systems and media as socialization institutions, participate in the intergenerational conveyance of values, in the processes of assimilation and reproduction of the norms of social and role behavior, in the construction of a system of identities, active and passive life philosophies. A subject’s established ideas and habitual strategies for interacting with other people are being destroyed in social situations of uncertainty, related as well to the Coronavirus pandemic and paramilitary confrontation in different countries. Consequently, the status of scenarios as dispositional predictors of subjective perception and understanding of oneself and others becomes debatable in social psychology under the conditions of conflict “crossing” of life contexts. <br><strong>Methodology. </strong>Structural and functional analysis of conceptual models that reflect the characteristics of individual and cultural life scenarios. <br><strong>Conclusions. </strong>Theoretical and methodological approaches to the concept of “scenario” differ in the attribution of stability-dynamism, as well as the ratio of individual specificity and social conditionality of the scenario.</p>
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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