Archetypal Aspects of a Person's Life Scenario


Skleynis Viktor Aleksandrovich


The subject of this study is the correlation of the type of life scenario of the individual on the one hand and the components of the personality on the other. The aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between archetypal structures of the personality and his/hers life scenario. Considering the life scenario of the person and archetypal structures of his/her personality as components of the outlook, projected at the level of semantics in the form of attitudes to individual objects, situations and time intervals, the author compares the type of life scenario of the person on the one hand and the categorical axes of the archetypal space on the other. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that within the framework of this work, for the first time, the relationship between the types of the life scenario of the individual and the components of his/her archetypal space is empirically investigated. In addition, the novelty of the study lies in the fact that archetypal structures and the life scenario of a personality are considered in the framework of this study from the standpoint of the psychology of subjective semantics and are described as deep semantic structures that manifest themselves at the level of surface structures in the processes of meaning formation. In the course of the study, statistically significant data were obtained, indicating the presence of the conjugacy of the axes of the archetypal space and the type of life scenario of the individual


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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