1. Landschaftsdynamik, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (CH)*
2. Landschaftsdynamik, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (CH)
Progress in remote sensing for forestry applications
Over the past ten years significant advances have been made in remote sensing data and methods for forestry applications. In many cases datasets are no longer limited to use for case studies or the development of methods, but are available for large area applications, often with high temporal resolution. Aerial image acquisition, including in near infrared, has become standard thanks to the use of digital cameras. Colour infrared orthophotos are easily embedded into GIS applications at the cantonal and national level. Aerial laser scanning data has almost become the norm for many applications. Tools integrated into common working environments are available which allow for the efficient analysis of 3-D point clouds and the realisation of valuable products describing forested areas. Terrestrial laser scanning is also nearing operational applicability for many purposes. Remote sensing is continually developing into a practical instrument for daily work. As long as users are aware of the possibilities and also the limitations, remote sensing offers substantial potential to support and optimise terrestrial inventory and for the generation of additional large-scale values.
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3 articles.