1. 2. de Ondarza MB. Protein. Milk Production (2004). Available at: http://milkproduction.com/Library/Scientific-articles/Nutrition/Protein/
2. 3. Price does not equal cost. The price of, say, meat can be higher than individual molecules despite lower processing costs. This is because other products are byproducts.
3. 4. Biology is now done in both 'dry' (computer) and 'wet' (lab) conditions. A researcher can quickly conduct hundreds of thousands of chemical, genetic, or pharmacological tests a day using robotics, data processing and control software, liquid handling devices, and sensitive detectors. This high-throughput screening allows scientists to prepare, incubate, and analyze many plates simultaneously, further speeding up the data-collection process.
4. 5. Schwartz AS, Hannum GJ, Dwiel ZR, et al. Deep Semantic Protein Representation for Annotation, Discovery, and Engineering. bioRxiv (2018). Available at: https://biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/365965v1.article-info