1. Artaud, Antonin (1974 [1938]), The Theatre and Its Double, in Collected Works Vol. 4. London: Calder Publications.
2. Allen, David-Michael (1999), `The Nature of Spectatorial Distance in VR Theatre', in Stephen A. Schrum (ed.), Theatre in Cyberspace, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc.
3. Barry, John A. (1992), Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War, New York: Hill and Wang.
4. Baudrillard, Jean (1995), The Gulf War Did Not Take Place, (trans. Paul Patton), Sydney: Power Publications.
5. Benjamin, Walter (1999 [1936]), `The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction', in Illuminations (trans. Harry Zorn), London: Pimlico, pp. 211-245.