1. NOAA/National Weather Service, Meteorological Development Laboratory, Silver Spring, Maryland
The Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL) of the National Weather Service (NWS) has developed high-resolution Global Forecast System (GFS)-based model output statistics (MOS) 6- and 12-h quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) guidance on a 4-km grid for the contiguous United States. Geographically regionalized multiple linear regression equations are used to produce probabilistic QPFs (PQPFs) for multiple precipitation exceedance thresholds. Also, several supplementary QPF elements are derived from the PQPFs. The QPF elements are produced (presently experimentally) twice per day for forecast projections up to 156 h (6.5 days); probability of (measurable) precipitation (POP) forecasts extend to 192 h (8 days). Because the spatial and intensity resolutions of the QPF elements are higher than that for the currently operational gridded MOS QPF elements, this new application is referred to as high-resolution MOS (HRMOS) QPF.
High spatial resolution and enhanced skill are built into the HRMOS PQPFs by incorporating finescale topography and climatology into the predictor database. This is accomplished through the use of specially formulated “topoclimatic” interactive predictors, which are formed as a simple product of a climatology- or terrain-related quantity and a GFS forecast variable. Such a predictor contains interactive effects, whereby finescale detail in the topographic or climatic variable is built into the GFS forecast variable, and dynamics in the large-scale GFS forecast variable are incorporated into the static topoclimatic variable. In essence, such interactive predictors account for the finescale bias error in the GFS forecasts, and thus they enhance the skill of the PQPFs.
Underlying the enhanced performance of the HRMOS QPF elements is extensive use of archived fine-grid radar-based quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs). The fine spatial scale of the QPE data supported development of a detailed precipitation climatology, which is used as a climatic predictive input. Also, the very large number of QPE sample points supported specification of rare-event (i.e., ≥1.50 and ≥2.00 in.) 6-h precipitation exceedance thresholds as predictands. Geographical regionalization of the PQPF regression equations and the derived QPF elements also contributes to enhanced forecast performance.
Limited comparative verification of several 6-h model QPFs in categorical form showed the HRMOS QPF with significantly better threat scores and biases than corresponding GFS and operational gridded MOS QPFs.
Limited testing of logistic regression versus linear regression to produce the 6-h PQPFs showed the feasibility of applying the logistic method with the very large HRMOS samples. However, objective screening of many candidate predictors with linear regression resulted in slightly better PQPF skill.
American Meteorological Society
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