Explicitly Stochastic Parameterization of Nonorographic Gravity Wave Drag


Eckermann Stephen D.1


1. Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.


Abstract A straightforward methodology is presented for converting the deterministic multiwave parameterizations of nonorographic gravity wave drag, currently used in general circulation models (GCMs), to stochastic analogs that use fewer waves (in the example herein, a single wave) within each grid box. Deterministic discretizations of source-level momentum flux spectra using a fixed spectrum of many waves with predefined phase speeds are replaced by sampling these source spectra stochastically using waves with randomly assigned phase speeds. Using simple conversion formulas, it is shown that time-mean wave-induced drag, diffusion, and heating-rate profiles identical to those from the deterministic scheme are produced by the stochastic analog. Furthermore, in these examples the need for bulk intermittency factors of small value is largely obviated through the explicit incorporation of stochastic intermittency into the scheme. When implemented in a GCM, the single-wave stochastic analog of an existing deterministic scheme reproduces almost identical time-mean middle-atmosphere climate and drag as its deterministic antecedent but with an order of magnitude reduction in computational expense. The stochastically parameterized drag is also accompanied by inherent variability about the time-mean profile that forces the smallest space–time scales of the GCM. Studies of mean GCM kinetic energy spectra show that this additional stochastic forcing does not lead to excessive increases in dynamical variability at these smallest GCM scales. The results show that the expensive deterministic schemes currently used in GCMs are easily modified and replaced by cheap stochastic analogs without any obvious deleterious impacts on GCM climate or variability, while offering potential advantages of computational savings, reduction of systematic climate biases, and greater and more realistic ensemble spread.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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