Fouling Of Nuclear Steam Generators: Fundamental Studies, Operating Experience and Remedial Measures Using Chemical Additives


Turner C.W.1


1. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1J0


Fouling remains a potentially serious issue that if left unchecked can lead to degradation of the safety and performance of nuclear steam generators (SGs). It has been demonstrated that the majority of the corrosion product transported with the feed water to the SGs accumulates in the SG on the tube-bundle. By increasing the risk of tube failure and acting as a barrier to heat transfer, deposit on the tube bundle has the potential to impair the ability of the SG to perform its two safety-critical roles: provision of a barrier to the release of radioactivity from the reactor coolant and removal of heat from the primary coolant during power operation and under certain post accident scenarios. Thus, it is imperative to develop improved ways to mitigate SG fouling for the long-term safe, reliable and economic performance of nuclear power plants (NPPs). This paper provides an overview of our current understanding of the mechanisms by which deposit accumulates on the secondary side of the SG, how this accumulation affects SG performance and how accumulation of deposit can be mitigated using chemical additives to the secondary heat-transport system. The paper concludes with some key questions that remain to be addressed to further advance our knowledge of deposit accumulation and how it can be controlled to maintain safe, economic performance of nuclear SGs.


Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Limited







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