1. Research and Academic Centre “Kuzbass”, Kemerovo, Russia
The general approaches to expertise in assessing the effectiveness of the scientific and technical sphere are considered. The roles of the participants of the examination – the decision-maker, the organizer of the examination, experts, and other interested participants in the results of the examination are considered. The general requirements for experts, such as qualification, objectivity, independence of the expert, possible conflicts of interests of the participants of the examination, are analyzed. The implementation of the theoretical provisions of the organization of expertise on practical examples is considered. It is shown that expert assessments in the analysis of the effectiveness of scientific organizations can lead to unreliable results, as well as the use of scientometric performance indicators outside the zone of their applicability.Some basic scientometric indicators are considered, it is shown that they can be considered as formalized answers to examination questions. The dependence of scientometric indicators on the scale of the audience to which certain publications are published is shown. Possible changes in the scientometric indicators of Russian publications are predicted in conditions of limited access of Russian publications to world information systems.
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)
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