1. Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
The paper states that the concept of economy as an equilibrium structure is not fully consistent with “mobilization” as a characteristic of a time-limited complex of processes of transformation of socio-technological relations, the transition of the system from one state to a qualitatively different one and, with a clearly defined purpose as a rule. The Mobilization project (MP), therefore, has stages of beginning and completion. The Russian scientific sphere in its current state cannot be “mobilized”. At the same time, pure science, the life-supporting element of the entire science and technology sector, is capable of self-mobilisation. The sequence of MP implementation is outlined: an integral resilient semantic field – a complex of sovereignties {semantic – institutional – technological}. The general recommendation is that you need to think in terms of complete cycles. In relation to a specific case, modern technologies for the production of knowledge, knowledge-intensive products are to be developed and implemented, organizational forms are being selected. Among them, network formats with the necessary share of hierarchy are promising in the context of MP.
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)
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