1. Кharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade
2. Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
3. Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
The description of experimental set and the method of processing of the results of the study of the method of fight against formation of polarizing layer in the process of ultrafiltration concentration of skim milk raw material were presented. The results of experimental studies relative to the sparging method application for the prevention of polarizing layer in the process of membrane processing of the skim milk and its influence on the capacity of ultrafiltration membranes were offered. The mathematical models were constructed on the base of regressive equations of factorial experiment using the method of the raw material sparging above the membrane surface for selection of technological parameters of the process of ultrafiltration concentration of the skim milk. The rational working parameters of the process of ultrafiltration concentration of the skim milk using the sparging of the skim milk by the gas bubbles in the direct closeness to the membrane surface were determined. Such working parameters are: pressure– 0,4...0,5 MPa, temperature of skim milk– 40...50 ºС, frequency of sparging of skim milk– 0,10...0,15 min-1, pressure of sparging must be 0,56...0,58 MPa.