Nuclear factor EF-1A binds to the adenovirus E1A core enhancer element and to other transcriptional control regions.


Bruder J T,Hearing P


We have identified a cellular enhancer-binding protein, present in nuclear extracts prepared from human and rodent cells, that binds to the adenovirus E1A enhancer element I sequence. The factor has been termed EF-1A, for enhancer-binding factor to the E1A core motif. EF-1A was found to bind to two adjacent, related sequence motifs in the E1A enhancer region (termed sites A and B). The binding of EF-1A to these adjacent sites, or to synthetic dimerized sites of either motif, was cooperative. The cooperative binding of EF-1A to these sites was not subject to strict spacing constraints. EF-1A also bound to related sequences upstream of the E1A enhancer region and in the polyomavirus and adenovirus E4 enhancer regions. The EF-1A-binding region in the E1A enhancer stimulated expression of a linked gene in human 293 cells when multimerized. Based on the contact sites for EF-1A binding determined by chemical interference assays, this protein appears to be distinct from any previously characterized nuclear binding protein.


American Society for Microbiology


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology







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