1. This work was reported by C.-T. Sah, Z. Chen, and B. B. Jie , 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society (SESAPS 2005), Gainesville, FL, 10–12 November 2005, http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/SES05/Event/38318.
2. Generation annealing kinetics of interface states on oxidized silicon activated by 10.2‐eV photohole injection
3. Generation‐annealing kinetics of the interface donor states at 0.25 eV above the midgap and the turn‐around phenomena on oxidized silicon during avalanche electron injection
4. For a more detailed survey of experiments, see Z. Chen, B. B. Jie, and C.-T. Sah , Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT-2006) (Shanghai, 23–26 October 2006), invited paper, pp. 1227–1233.