1. Integrated nanoelectronics for the future
2. III–V Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Electronics on Silicon Substrates
3. A. Nainani, T. Irisawa, Z. Yuan, Y. Sun, T. Krishnamohan, M. Reason, B. R. Bennett, J. B. Boos, M. G. Ancona, Y. Nishi, and K. C. Saraswat, in IEEE Int. Electron Devices Meet. (2010), p. 6–4.
4. S. W Chang, X. Li, R. Oxland, S. W. Wang, C. H. Wang, R. Contreras-Guerrero, K. K. Bhuwalka, G. Doornbos, T. Vasen, M. C. Holland, G. Vellianitis, M. J. H. van Dal, B. Duriez, M. Edirisooriya, J. S. Rojas-Ramirez, P. Ramvall, S. Thoms, U. Peralagu, C. H. Hsieh, Y. S. Chang, K. M. Yin, E. Lind, L. E. Wernersson, R. Droopad, I. Thayne, M. Passlack, and C. H. Diaz, in IEEE Int. Electron Devices Meet. (2013), p. 16–1.
5. Enhancement-Mode GaAs MOSFETs With an $\hbox{In}_{0.3} \hbox{Ga}_{0.7}\hbox{As}$ Channel, a Mobility of Over 5000 $ \hbox{cm}^{2}/\hbox{V} \cdot \hbox{s}$, and Transconductance of Over 475 $\mu\hbox{S}/\mu\hbox{m}$