1. 1Pre-Harvest Food Safety and Enteric Diseases Unit, National Animal Disease Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Ames, Iowa 50010
2. 2Animal Behavior Research Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
3. 3College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA
To monitor the effects of feed withdrawal on the prevalence of Campylobacter, market-weight turkeys from six farms were examined before and after perimarketing events (feed withdrawal, transport, and holding at the slaughterhouse). Prior to transport, birds (n = 30 per farm) were slaughtered on-farm, and viscera (crops, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon, ceca, gallbladder, and spleen) were removed on the premises. Within ca. 48 h, cohorts (n = 30 per farm) from the same flock were transported to a commercial abattoir, maintained in holding sheds, slaughtered, and the viscera were removed. No differences in the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. were evident when individual flocks were compared pre- and posttransport. However, when data for the six farms were combined, Campylobacter spp. were recovered (pre- versus posttransport) at comparable rates from the duodenum (74.7 versus 74.7%), ileum (87.3 versus 92.7%), ceca (64 versus 57%), colon (86.7 versus 80%), and spleen (0 versus 0%). After feed withdrawal, transport, and holding at the abattoir, there was an overall increase in Campylobacter spp. isolated from the gallbladder at the abattoir (14.7%) when compared with on-farm levels (0%, P < 0.05). When compared with on-farm levels (3%), the overall increase in Campylobacter spp. recovered from the crops of birds at the abattoir (24%) was significant (P < 0.05), which may be associated with a detectable decline in lactic acid in the emptied crop.
International Association for Food Protection
Microbiology,Food Science