1. Univerzitet u Prištini Kosovska Mitrovica
The main goal of this research was to determine the attitudes of educators about the importance and representation of moral education in the contents of the curriculum and work program of modern preschool institutions. Moral development and the formation of moral values take place in the process of continuous interaction with the social environment in which adults (parents, educators), school and peers, and more recently, mass communication media, act. The research sample consisted of 87 teachers from two preschool institutions from Novi Pazar, gender imbalanced, with the majority of the female population (85 teachers), of different ages and years of service. Among the instruments used was the scale of teachers' attitudes about moral education, which was formed for this research. As for statistical tests, a reliability test was applied, which confirmed that the scale is highly reliable and homogeneous, as well as tests of descriptive statistics and statistical inference - Chi-square test. Based on the results, the main conclusion is that moral education is recognized by the majority of educators as important and present in the contents of the curriculum in work with preschool children, while on the other hand, there is also a gap between the proposed activities in the contents and their application due to the current crises in the educational process.
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