1. USDA ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Engineering Research Unit, 1515 College Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502. Mention of trade names or commercial products is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
2. Corresponding author. Phone: 785-776-2753. Fax: 785-537-5550. E-mail address: floyd.dowell@gmprc.ksu.edu
3. USDA, Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration, Federal Grain Inspection Service, Kansas City, MO 64163.
4. Kansas State University, Dept. Grain Science and Industry, Manhattan, KS 66506.
5. USDA ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Grain Quality and Structure Research Unit, 1515 College Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502.