1. AACC International. Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th Ed. Method 08-01.01. Ash—Basic method. Approved April 13, 1961. Method 30-10.01. Crude fat in flour, bread, and baked cereal products not containing fruit. Approved April 13, 1961. Method 32-07.01. Soluble, insoluble, and total dietary fiber in foods and food products. Approved October 16, 1991. Method 44-15.02. Moisture—Air-oven methods. Approved October 30, 1975. Method 46-12.01. Crude protein—Kjeldahl method, boric acid modification. Approved October 8, 1976. Available online only. AACCI: St. Paul, MN.
2. Liquid chromatographic determination of vitamins B1 and B2 in foods. A collaborative study
3. Cooking quality and sensorial properties of noodle supplemented with oat flour