Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistors are foundational components in electronics, mainly digital logic circuits. Effective power management in MOSFET-based logic circuits becomes more crucial as technology expands to sub-100-nanometer nodes. Four optimization techniques to reduce power losses during switching transitions are carefully examined in this article. With the first method, QSSERL, no additional timing control clocks are required, which results in significant energy savings, especially in high-frequency applications. In the second method, DFAL, split-level sinusoidal power clocks are used instead of diodes, significantly lowering voltage differentials and power dissipation. Building on DFAL, IDFAL employs control transistors to reduce leakage power, significantly lowering power dissipation and facilitating charge recovery. Lastly, FSOA, inspired by natural species' collective behaviour, enhances key components within MOSFET-based circuits. This paper examines numerous adiabatic logic topics. Developing energy-efficient MOSFET-based logic circuits is essential for improving electronics and satisfying the growing demand for energy-conscious technologies.
Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.
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