Paternal weight of ducks may have an influence on offspring’ small intestinal function and cecal microorganisms


Ran Mingxia,Hu Bo,Cheng Lumin,Hu Shenqiang,Liu Hehe,Li Liang,Hu Jiwei,Wang Jiwen


Abstract Background In animals, many factors affect the small intestinal function and cecal microorganisms, including body weight and genetic background. However, whether paternal weight impacts the small intestinal function and cecal microorganisms remains unknown to date. The current study used Nonghua sheldrake to estimate the effect of paternal weight on the intestine of the offspring by evaluating differences in small intestinal morphology, digestive enzyme activity, and cecal microorganisms between the offspring of male parents with high body weight (group H) and that of male parents with low body weight (group L). Results The results of the analysis of small intestinal morphology showed that the villus height of the jejunum of group H ducks was higher than that of group L ducks, and the difference was significant for ducks at 10 weeks of age. Moreover, the villus height/crypt depth of the duodenum in group H significantly exceeded that of group L at a duck age of 2 weeks. The amylase activity in the jejunum content of group H exceeded that of group L at 5 and 10 weeks of age. Furthermore, the proportion of the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes was significantly higher in group H (duck age of 2 weeks). Among the genera with a relative abundance exceeding 1%, the relative abundances of genera Desulfovibrio, Megamonas, Alistipes, Faecalibacterium, and Streptococcus observed in group H were significantly different between group H and group L. Conclusions For the first time, this study identifies the effect of paternal weight on offspring small intestinal function and cecal microorganisms. Consequently, this lays a foundation for further research on the relationship between male parents and offspring intestinal function.


Project of National Science and Technology Plan for the Rural Development in China

Key Technology Support Program of Sichuan Province


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Microbiology (medical),Microbiology







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