1. Paul MM, Greene CM, Newton-Dame R, Thorpe LE, Perlman SE, McVeigh KH, et al. The state of population health surveillance using electronic health records: a narrative review. Popul Health Manag. 2015;18(3):209–16.
2. Newton-Dame R, McVeigh KH, Schreibstein L, Perlman S, Lurie-Moroni E, Jacobson L, et al. Design of the New York City Macroscope: innovations in population health surveillance using electronic health records. EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2016;4(1):1265.
3. Thorpe LE, McVeigh KH, Perlman S, Chan PY, Bartley K, Schreibstein L, et al. Monitoring prevalence, treatment, and control of metabolic conditions in New York City adults using 2013 primary care electronic health records: a surveillance validation study. EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2016;4(1):1266.
4. McVeigh KH, Newton-Dame R, Chan PY, Thorpe LE, Schreibstein L, Tatem KS, et al. Can electronic health records be used for population health surveillance? Validating population health metrics against established survey data. EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2016;4(1):1267.
5. McVeigh KH, Lurie-Moroni E, Chan PY, Newton-Dame R, Schreibstein L, Tatem KS, et al. Generalizability of indicators from the New York city macroscope electronic health record surveillance system to systems based on other EHR platforms. EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2017;5(1):25.