Potential predictors of severe cardiovascular involvement in Marfan syndrome: the emphasized role of genotype–phenotype correlations in improving risk stratification—a literature review


Stengl RolandORCID,Ágg BenceORCID,Pólos Miklós,Mátyás Gábor,Szabó Gábor,Merkely Béla,Radovits Tamás,Szabolcs Zoltán,Benke Kálmán


Abstract Background Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a genetically determined systemic connective tissue disorder, caused by a mutation in the FBN1 gene. In MFS mainly the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and ocular systems are affected. The most dangerous manifestation of MFS is aortic dissection, which needs to be prevented by a prophylactic aortic root replacement. Main body The indication criteria for the prophylactic procedure is currently based on aortic diameter, however aortic dissections below the threshold defined in the guidelines have been reported, highlighting the need for a more accurate risk stratification system to predict the occurrence of aortic complications. The aim of this review is to present the current knowledge on the possible predictors of severe cardiovascular manifestations in MFS patients, demonstrating the wide range of molecular and radiological differences between people with MFS and healthy individuals, and more importantly between MFS patients with and without advanced aortic manifestations. These differences originating from the underlying common molecular pathological processes can be assessed by laboratory (e.g. genetic testing) and imaging techniques to serve as biomarkers of severe aortic involvement. In this review we paid special attention to the rapidly expanding field of genotype–phenotype correlations for aortic features as by collecting and presenting the ever growing number of correlations, future perspectives for risk stratification can be outlined. Conclusions Data on promising biomarkers of severe aortic complications of MFS have been accumulating steadily. However, more unifying studies are required to further evaluate the applicability of the discussed predictors with the aim of improving the risk stratification and therefore the life expectancy and quality of life of MFS patients.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Pharmacology (medical),Genetics(clinical),General Medicine

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