1. Renaud C. Medical studies: the DFGSM2 curriculum has DFASM3, Internships at the Faculty of Pierre and Marie Curie, ECN and boarding school, Les Métiers de la Sante. www.medecine.sorbonne-universite.fr Consults on 22/05/19. Becomes 1.
2. Memorandu N° 040 UL P SG 2017 setting the amount of training fees in the degrees of Masters, PhDs and diplomas of specialized studies at the University of Lomé. https://univ-lome.tg/articles/actu-recherche/revision-desfrais-de-formation-aux-grades-master-doctorat-et-des-a-l-ul.
3. Togolese Republic. Interdepartmental Order No.75/MENRS-MSPASCF creating and organizing specialization cycles at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Benin. Official Diary of October 14, 1988. jo.gouv.tg.consults on 16/11/19 at 07:09. https://legitogo.gouv.tg/be/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Pages-from-jo_1988-031-2.pdf.
4. Togolese Republic. Ordered No.011/UB/R/88 opening specialization courses: Pediatrics and Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Benin. Official Diary of October 17, 1988. jo.gouv.tg.consults on 11/16/19. https://legitogo.gouv.tg/be/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Pages-from-jo_1988-031.pdf.
5. Togolese Republic. Decree No. 12/UB/R/88 organizing the selection of candidates applying for the Diploma of Specialized Studies at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Benin. Official Diary of November 15, 1988. jo.gouv.tg.sees 11/16/19 at 7:32 a.m. https://uniben.waeup.org/documents/pgad1617/file.pdf.