Total nitrogen, water-soluble nitrogen and free amino acids profile during ripening of soft cheese enriched with Nigella sativa seed oil


Georgescu Mara1,Raita Ștefania Mariana2,Tăpăloagă Dana1


1. Department of Animal Production and Public Health , University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest , Bucharest , Romania

2. Department of Preclinical Sciences , University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest , Bucharest , Romania


Abstract Various antimicrobial solutions have been tested as additives for raw milk traditional cheeses, among which Nigella sativa cold pressed seed oil (NSSO) is recognized for its positive effect on the microbial quality of such products. The overall effect on the quality of enriched cheeses during ripening is still under extensive investigation. Three batches of traditional raw milk brined cheese were included in the current experiment: control cheese without Nigella sativa seed oil (NSSO) and cheese samples enriched with 0.2 and 1% w/w NSSO. Experimental cheese samples were analyzed in duplicates for total nitrogen content (TN), at 0, 14, 28 and 42 days of ripening, while single determinations of total nitrogen (WSN) and free amino acids (FAA) were performed at 14, 28 and 42 ripening days. The TN content revealed similar values for control cheeses and NSSO cheeses, and no significant differences were noticed within the three treatment groups (p >.05) throughout ripening. WSN values followed a significant rising shift in all cheeses during ripening, yet computing data obtained for the three considered treatments, despite an obvious higher WSN content of NSSO enriched cheeses, no statistical significance could be associated to this difference. The FAA composition of the experimental cheeses, varied quantitatively, by increasing with ripening time, but no qualitative variation was noticed during the follow-up period. The FAA composition of the did not vary significantly within treatments.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Genetics,Molecular Biology,Biomedical Engineering,Molecular Medicine,Food Science,Biotechnology

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