1. E-Learmng on how to Conduct a Foodborne Illness Outbreak Environmental Assessment (US CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/elearn/ea_fio/index.htm.
2. Environmental Health Specialists Network (US CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/EHSNet/.
3. Environmental Assessments (US FDA) http://www.fda.gov/Food/RecallsOutbreaksEmergencies/Outbreaks/ucm235425.
4. The Food-Water Nexus: Irrigation Water Quality, Risks to Food Safety, and the Need for a Systems-Based Preventive Approach;Gelting;Journal of Environmental Health,2012
5. Procedures to Investigate Foodborne Illness, Sixth Edition 2011;Todd,2011