1. UNAIDS, Fact sheet: 2014 statistics (2015).
2. HIV-Infection in RF for 2016 (official statistics); available from (https://spid-vich-zppp.ru/statistika/ofitsialnaya-statistika-vich-spid-rf-2016.html).
3. Prokofjeva, M. M., Kochetkov, S. N., and Prassolov, V. S. (2016) Therapy of HIV infection: current approaches and prospects, Acta Naturae, 8, 23–32.
4. Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-infected Adults and Adolescents (2017).
5. Resistance to Bactericidal Drugs (2016); available from (http://www.who.int/me-diacentre/factsheets/fs194/ru/).