1. A. M. Obukhov, “On sound scattering in a turbulent flow,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 30 (7), 611–614 (1941).
2. V. I. Tatarskii, Wave Propagation in a Turbulent Medium (McGraw Hill, New York, 1961; AN SSSR, Moscow, 1959).
3. M. A. Kallistratova, “Experimental study of sound scattering in a turbulent atmosphere,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 125 (1), 69–72 (1959).
4. M. A. Kallistratova, “Experimental study of sound wave scattering in the atmosphere. Atmospheric turbulence,” in Tr. Inst. Fiz. Atmos. Akad. Nauk SSSR (AN SSSR, Moscow, 1962), No. 4, pp. 203–256.
5. M. A. Kallistratova and V. I. Tatarskii, “On the use of wind field vorticity to calculate the sound scattering in the atmosphere,” Akust. Zh. 6 (4), 503–505 (1960).